I created a webform for users to submit data and store the input in the mariadb database. The data input side is working fine. Now I need to create the page where the data is verified and approved or denied. For the data input I used a hard coded username and password in the php. This is what I did in mariadb:
CREATE USER 'username'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT INSERT ON mytable TO 'username'@localhost;
and used those credentials in the PDO.
For the verification side I would like to prompt for a username and password and pass that information to mariadb for PDO usage. The goal is not to create users in Linux, htaccess, mariadb, etc. I am looking to create just 1 username and password for easy maintenance.
Should I have httpd prompt for the username and password? Should I write php to accept a username and password? I come from a windows background where this is usually handled by IIS windows integrated authentication and Active Directory.