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Full Version: countdown timer issue
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Hi all,

I am building my own website ( very beginner so allready sorry ) but I encountered a problem with a ready to use time counter.

the code is as follow

<div class="date_countdown">
<div id="timer">
<div id="days" class="date"></div>
<div id="hours" class="date"></div>
<div id="minutes" class="date"></div>
<div id="seconds" class="date"></div>

it shows

and it is still counting down... My question here is how can I edit the time? whatever I try didnt work
There's some JavaScript also maybe? In what way do you want to edit the time?

I uploaded a screenshot how it looks like
QUOTE(pandy @ Nov 12 2020, 07:18 PM) *

There's some JavaScript also maybe? In what way do you want to edit the time?

I added a image so you can see it better.

Well I would like to have a countdown for a product. But I can't find the source of the date settings.
Yeah. But we need to see the actual script you use. And we need to know what you want to change.
QUOTE(pandy @ Nov 12 2020, 07:37 PM) *

Yeah. But we need to see the actual script you use. And we need to know what you want to change.

(function ($) {

$.fn.downCount = function (options, callback) {
var settings = $.extend({
date: null,
offset: null
}, options);

// Throw error if date is not set
if (! {
$.error('Date is not defined.');

// Throw error if date is set incorectly
if (!Date.parse( {
$.error('Incorrect date format, it should look like this, 12/24/2012 12:00:00.');

// Save container
var container = this;

* Change client's local date to match offset timezone
* @return {Object} Fixed Date object.
var currentDate = function () {
// get client's current date
var date = new Date();

// turn date to utc
var utc = date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);

// set new Date object
var new_date = new Date(utc + (3600000*settings.offset))

return new_date;

* Main downCount function that calculates everything
function countdown () {
var target_date = new Date(, // set target date
current_date = currentDate(); // get fixed current date

// difference of dates
var difference = target_date - current_date;

// if difference is negative than it's pass the target date
if (difference < 0) {
// stop timer

if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') callback();


// basic math variables
var _second = 1000,
_minute = _second * 60,
_hour = _minute * 60,
_day = _hour * 24;

// calculate dates
var days = Math.floor(difference / _day),
hours = Math.floor((difference % _day) / _hour),
minutes = Math.floor((difference % _hour) / _minute),
seconds = Math.floor((difference % _minute) / _second);

// fix dates so that it will show two digets
days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : '0' + days;
hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : '0' + hours;
minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : '0' + minutes;
seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : '0' + seconds;

// based on the date change the refrence wording
var ref_days = (days === 1) ? 'day' : 'days',
ref_hours = (hours === 1) ? 'hour' : 'hours',
ref_minutes = (minutes === 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes',
ref_seconds = (seconds === 1) ? 'second' : 'seconds';

// set to DOM


// start
var interval = setInterval(countdown, 1000);

Christian J
Do you have a link to the site that provided the script? There should be some documentation.
QUOTE(Christian J @ Nov 12 2020, 08:19 PM) *

Do you have a link to the site that provided the script? There should be some documentation.
Christian J
According to it seems you need to change the null values here:

$.fn.downCount = function (options, callback) {
var settings = $.extend({
date: null,
offset: null
}, options);

to (for example) this:

    date: '08/27/2013 12:00:00',
    offset: -5
}, function () {
    alert('WOOT WOOT, done!');

EDIT: or am I looking at the same script? Not familiar with Github's layout. unsure.gif
QUOTE(Christian J @ Nov 12 2020, 08:47 PM) *

According to it seems you need to change the null values here:

$.fn.downCount = function (options, callback) {
var settings = $.extend({
date: null,
offset: null
}, options);

to (for example) this:

    date: '08/27/2013 12:00:00',
    offset: -5
}, function () {
    alert('WOOT WOOT, done!');

EDIT: or am I looking at the same script? Not familiar with Github's layout. unsure.gif

=D thank you for the fast replies ! but the counter is not changing... still the same countdown as in the picture. I tried all available options but I think there may be a malfuntion somewhere.
Christian J
QUOTE(Meto2k @ Nov 13 2020, 03:00 PM) *

still the same countdown as in the picture.

The picture looks like if the target date expired 413 days ago. Have you set a target date, and is it correct?

In any case there should be plenty of other countdown timers on the web that you could use instead.
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