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> Need help getting non-profit website on 1st page of Google. Any Advice Appriciated., Asking for help to get website on the 1st. page of Google.
post Jan 28 2025, 08:00 PM
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I did a search for "Texas Militia" on a demonstrator laptop today Walmart (in case the cookies or search history on my PC make any difference). Our www.TexasMilitia.Info website is down to the 7th page on Google when for many years it was always on the first page of Google.

I optimized it for cell phones and the validator services say no errors but it did not help any with our SEO ranking. We made it all one long webpage to give men and idea of what it is about before they can scroll down to see the description of our free training.

Our only goal is to get men to come out and train with us a few times a year to a be deterrent to tyranny and invasion. Unlike other militias in Texas we never charge for anything not even any membership application fees nor any dues. I pay for the domain and the web-hosting myself so we cannot afford to pay any professionals to help improve our search engine ranking.

Any advice on how to improve our SEO ranking would be greatly appreciated.
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post Jan 28 2025, 08:42 PM
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Going to private browsing in FireFox I went to Yahoo and searched for "texas militia" and I went thru 12 pages without ever seeing our website

Then on Yahoo I searched for "" and it did not show up on the first page. So I was wondering if it was even listed? Then on Yahoo I searched for "" and it was at the very top of the first page. Our website host is DreamHost.

Because in any browser whenever I entered it always went to our website so I assumed that it would show up in a search for I thought they were one in the same.

Does anyone know how I can get our website listed as ?
Do you suppose it would help our search engine ranking for "texas militia"
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post Jan 28 2025, 10:46 PM
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I think the reason our website is not on the first page of any search engines was because our meta tag was wrong.
It was:
<meta name="description" content= "militias are not illegal, join texas militia, texas militia training exercise, militias are authorized by US Constitution, free training, east texas">
<meta name="robots" content= "index, follow">

I have changed it to:
<meta name="description" content= "texas militia">
<meta name="robots" content= "index, follow">

When our website was getting on first pages the meta tag was:
<meta name="Description" content="Texas Militia">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Texas Militia">

I apologize if I am posting under the wrong topic. I suppose I should have been posting in Markup (HTML, XHTML, XML) instead of here.
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Christian J
post Jan 29 2025, 08:53 AM
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QUOTE(Mike777 @ Jan 29 2025, 02:00 AM) *

Any advice on how to improve our SEO ranking would be greatly appreciated.

The HTML structure and text look good, but there are many other sites with text content about militias in Texas. If a major site like Wikipedia has a page that matches the search terms, it will likely get on top of almost every other site. Ditto for major news sites, maybe also governmental sites. Sites of other militia groups may or may not get better results depending on how many other (relevant) sites that link to them.

QUOTE(Mike777 @ Jan 29 2025, 02:42 AM) *

Going to private browsing in FireFox I went to Yahoo and searched for "texas militia" and I went thru 12 pages without ever seeing our website

Using Yahoo Search, I found it on page 3 in Tor browser.

Then on Yahoo I searched for "" and it did not show up on the first page. So I was wondering if it was even listed? Then on Yahoo I searched for "" and it was at the very top of the first page. Our website host is DreamHost.

I found both at the very top of page 1 in Tor.

But note that the same search engine can give different results depending on your IP number's (assumed) geographical origin, in addition to the browser's previous search history. And it seems major search engines have become less competent in recent years, seemingly trying more to make users view ads than produce relevant search results.

QUOTE(Mike777 @ Jan 29 2025, 04:46 AM) *

I think the reason our website is not on the first page of any search engines was because our meta tag was wrong.
It was:
<meta name="description" content= "militias are not illegal, join texas militia, texas militia training exercise, militias are authorized by US Constitution, free training, east texas">
<meta name="robots" content= "index, follow">

I have changed it to:
<meta name="description" content= "texas militia">
<meta name="robots" content= "index, follow">

When our website was getting on first pages the meta tag was:
<meta name="Description" content="Texas Militia">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Texas Militia">

I don't think META Description or Keywords matters much or at all.
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post Jan 29 2025, 02:10 PM
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Thanks for your help Christian J. I suppose that Google doesn't like our Texas militia bur TOR does. I am going to keep working on it.
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Christian J
post Jan 29 2025, 06:27 PM
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Note that I only tested Yahoo before. Now I tested Google as well, and found your site on page 7.

TOR is just an anonymous browser. I always use it for searches, so search engines can't deliver "personalized results" (since I don't want that). But since TOR traffic can appear to come from all over the world, you may get different results depending on where search engines think you are (normally I think they tend to favor sites in the same assumed country).

Search engines may have a political bias as well, but to what extent they are enforcing it I don't know.
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post Jan 29 2025, 10:43 PM
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Thanks for the reply Christian J. I had never thought of using TOR for unbiased web searches. I am going to start using it.
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