Composer |
Composer |
tudsy |
Feb 14 2018, 02:21 PM
Serious Coder Group: Members Posts: 252 Joined: 30-September 14 Member No.: 21,611 |
I am having trouble resolving paths. I have installed composer in a directory called 'Composer' but my script says it cannot find 'vendor/autoload.php'. Vendor directory is installed under Composer with composer.json and composer.lock (see attached). <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>ECOVIB2D©</title> <style type="text/css"><!-- body { background-color: #660000; } style1 { font-size: 36px; color: #00FF33; } style5 { font-size: 36px; color: #00FF00; } --> </style> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-908952-3', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('require','linkid'); </script> </head> <body> <?php require '../Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; $firstname=$_GET['Firstname']; $surname= $_GET['Surname']; $name= $firstname.''.$surname; $email= $_GET['email']; $itemid=''; $Price= $_GET['Price']; $Graphic= $_GET['Graphic']; $apiKey= 'F9802AM9NdTVj1VDz/ns9WxWWvKh4Y4yOKBO99XZGTZgF6ZpU1g5geP/H8vgOZNeAjr8Jh'; $apiPassword='dAvRvUbR'; $apiEndpoint='\Eway\Rapid\Client::MODE_SANDBOX'; $client = \Eway\Rapid::createClient($apiKey, $apiPassword, $apiEndpoint); $transaction = [ 'Customer'=> [ 'FirstName'=> $firstname, 'LastName'=> $surname, 'Email'=> $email, ], 'item'=> [ 'Description'=> 'Graphic:'.$Graphic, 'Quantity'=> 1, ], 'RedirectUrl' => "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]" . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/response.php', 'CancelUrl' => "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]", 'Payment'=> [ 'TotalAmount'=> $Price*100, ], 'TransactionType'=> \Eway\Rapid\Enum\TransactionType::PURCHASE, ]; $response = $client->createTransaction(\Eway\Rapid\Enum\ApiMethod::TRANSPARENT_REDIRECT, $transaction); $transactionResponse = $response->Transactions[0]; if ($transactionResponse->TransactionStatus) { echo 'Payment successful! ID: ' . $transactionResponse->TransactionID; } else { $errors = split(', ', $transactionResponse->ResponseMessage); foreach ($errors as $error) { echo "Payment failed: " . \Eway\Rapid::getMessage($error)."<br>"; } die(); } echo '<a href="'.$sharedURL.'">Pay with our secure payment page</a>'; try{ //database connection goes here $servername= "localhost"; $user= "ecovibdc_tudsy66"; $password= "power99661"; $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=ecovibdc_Subscribers", $user, $password); // set the PDO error mode to exception $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //add the information to the database. $query = "INSERT INTO CustomersArt (itemid,email,graphic,name,Price) VALUES ('$itemid','$email','$Graphic','$name','$Price')"; $conn->query($query) OR die(mysql_error()); } catch(PDOException $e) { echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage(); $line3 = "<br>;<a href=''> Back to my blog - Try again !</a>" ; echo $line3; } ?> Attached thumbnail(s) |
CharlesEF |
Feb 14 2018, 02:57 PM
Programming Fanatic Group: Members Posts: 1,996 Joined: 27-April 13 From: Edinburg, Texas Member No.: 19,088 |
I am having trouble resolving paths. I have installed composer in a directory called 'Composer' but my script says it cannot find 'vendor/autoload.php'. Vendor directory is installed under Composer with composer.json and composer.lock (see attached). That means your require path is wrong. Instead of: CODE require '../Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; Try this: CODE require './vendor/autoloader.php'; |
pandy |
Feb 14 2018, 08:10 PM
🌟Computer says no🌟 Group: WDG Moderators Posts: 20,766 Joined: 9-August 06 Member No.: 6 |
And where is the calling document?
tudsy |
Feb 16 2018, 06:11 AM
Serious Coder Group: Members Posts: 252 Joined: 30-September 14 Member No.: 21,611 |
CharlesEF |
Feb 16 2018, 02:19 PM
Programming Fanatic Group: Members Posts: 1,996 Joined: 27-April 13 From: Edinburg, Texas Member No.: 19,088 |
That's not the information we need. Where is the actual page located? In what directory/folder?
My first suggestion 'assumed' it was located in the 'Composer' directory. |
pandy |
Feb 16 2018, 02:29 PM
🌟Computer says no🌟 Group: WDG Moderators Posts: 20,766 Joined: 9-August 06 Member No.: 6 |
You do run this through a server, don't you?
tudsy |
Feb 17 2018, 03:37 AM
Serious Coder Group: Members Posts: 252 Joined: 30-September 14 Member No.: 21,611 |
You do run this through a server, don't you? It's on an isp server. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 minimum-scale=1.0"/> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="Main.css"/> <style type ="text/CSS"> div.absolute{ position:absolute; top:200px; } div { height: auto; /*if more info comes on the page, it will stretch down*/ width: auto; margin: 0 auto; /*this will cause the div to be in the center*/ } </style> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-908952-3', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('require','linkid'); </script> <script> var personsnamejs ='AdrianTudini'; var personpicture = personsnamejs + '.jpg'; var priceofartarray = ["2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2"]; var personpath = '' + personsnamejs + '/' + personpicture; function setvar(){ var x = document.getElementById('Title'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; var z = document.getElementById('PlaySound'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var t = document.getElementById('paypal'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename1'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var v = document.getElementById('freeaddress'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var c = document.getElementById('reason'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; var d = document.getElementById('Buy'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; document.getElementById('def').innerHTML = 'Click-Tap to view/select ' + personsnamejs + " 's Art"; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; document.getElementById('paypal').innerHTML ="* Your name and email address will not be sold or traded."; document.getElementById('reason').innerHTML = "Art for your desktop/device"; }; </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function linkSound(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { soundfile = picname.replace('w.bmp','.mp3'); var soundfilepath = '' + personname + '/Sound/' + soundfile; document.getElementById('Sound').src = soundfilepath; } }; </script> <script> function changePic(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { var path = '' + personname + '/Graphicw/' + picname; var myimg = document.getElementById('myImage'); var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = path; newImage.onerror = function() { alert('There was a problem loading the Image file! - Please try again'); = ''; myimg.src = ''; } newImage.onload = function() { myimg.src = path; x = document.getElementById('Graphic_select').selectedIndex; var Priceofart = priceofartarray[x-1]; picname = picname.replace('w.bmp','.bmp'); document.getElementById('person').value = personname; document.getElementById('Cost').value = Priceofart; document.getElementById('pic').value = picname; var y = document.getElementById('Price'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('Price').innerHTML= 'Price of Art ( without a watermark )(USD): $' + Priceofart + ' including GST'; } } }; </script> <title>ECOVIB2D©</title> </head> <body onload='setvar();' style='background-color: #660000'> <script> alert(hello); </script> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right mouse click Script //By Maximus ( w/ mods by DynamicDrive //For full source code, visit var message="Go to ECOVIB2D!-"; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4; } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false") // --> </script> <table class='div' align='center' border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor='#660000'><img height='auto' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' width='auto' /></td> <td bgcolor='#660000'> <p align='center' id ='Title'>ECOVIB2D©</p> <br> <br> <div class='div' id='google_translate_element'></div><script type='text/javascript'> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <table class='div' style="background-color: #660000" align='center' > <tbody> <tr> <td style="image-orientation: 90deg;" align="left"> <img id='PersonImage' height='250' width='250' style='pointer-events:none' alt=''> </td> <td> <p align="center" id="reason"></p> <div class="absolute"> <select name='Graphic_select' id='Graphic_select' onchange='changePic(this.value,personsnamejs);linkSound(this.value,personsnamejs);'> <option value ='default' id = 'def' style='height:30px;'></option> <br> If(this.value = 'default'){ document.getElementById("Graphic_select").contentWindow.location.reload(true); } <?php $pname = "AdrianTudini"; foreach(glob("/home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/".$pname."/Graphicw/*w.bmp") as $files1){ $files1 = basename($files1); echo "<option value='{$files1}'>{$files1}</option>"; }; ?> </select> </div> <img id='myImage' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' style='pointer-events:none' alt='' height='250' width='250'> <p align='center' id='PlaySound'>Play the sound with my art in mind</p> <audio id="Sound" preload='none' controls="controls"> <source src='ecovib2d.mp3' type='audio/MPEG '> </audio> <br> <br> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <?php require '/public_html/ecovibdc/Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; // Include RapidAPI Library require './../lib/eWAY/RapidAPI.php'; $request = new eWAY\CreateAccessCodeRequest(); If(isset($request)){ $Accesscode = $request; } ?> <center> <p id='Price'> </p></center> <center> <form action="".<?php echo $Accesscode ?> id ='payment_form' method="POST"/> <input type='hidden' id='person' name='Person'/> <input type='hidden' id='Cost' name='Price' /> <input type='hidden' id='pic' name='Graphic'/> <p align='center' id='freename'>Enter FirstName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Firstname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freename1'> Enter SurName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Surname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freeaddress'>Enter Email-Address:</p> <p align='center'><input id='e-address' maxlength='50' name='email' size='50' type='text' /></p> <input type="hidden" name='EWAY_ACCESSCODE' value=<?php echo $Accesscode ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="EWAY_PAYMENTTYPE" value="PayPal" /> <input type="submit" id ='Buy' value="Buy now from PayPal!" text="Checkout" /> <br> <img src='Paypal.png'> <img src="//" border="0"> <!-- Begin eWAY Linking Code --> <div id="eWAYBlock"> <div style="text-align:center;"> <a href="" title="eWAY Payment Gateway" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img alt="eWAY Payment Gateway" src="" /> </a> </div> </div> <!-- End eWAY Linking Code --> </form> </center> <p align='center' id='paypal'></p> </body> </html> |
tudsy |
Feb 17 2018, 08:37 AM
Serious Coder Group: Members Posts: 252 Joined: 30-September 14 Member No.: 21,611 |
You do run this through a server, don't you? It's on an isp server. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 minimum-scale=1.0"/> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="Main.css"/> <style type ="text/CSS"> div.absolute{ position:absolute; top:200px; } div { height: auto; /*if more info comes on the page, it will stretch down*/ width: auto; margin: 0 auto; /*this will cause the div to be in the center*/ } </style> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-908952-3', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('require','linkid'); </script> <script> var personsnamejs ='AdrianTudini'; var personpicture = personsnamejs + '.jpg'; var priceofartarray = ["2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2"]; var personpath = '' + personsnamejs + '/' + personpicture; function setvar(){ var x = document.getElementById('Title'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; var z = document.getElementById('PlaySound'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var t = document.getElementById('paypal'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename1'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var v = document.getElementById('freeaddress'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var c = document.getElementById('reason'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; var d = document.getElementById('Buy'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; document.getElementById('def').innerHTML = 'Click-Tap to view/select ' + personsnamejs + " 's Art"; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; document.getElementById('paypal').innerHTML ="* Your name and email address will not be sold or traded."; document.getElementById('reason').innerHTML = "Art for your desktop/device"; }; </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function linkSound(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { soundfile = picname.replace('w.bmp','.mp3'); var soundfilepath = '' + personname + '/Sound/' + soundfile; document.getElementById('Sound').src = soundfilepath; } }; </script> <script> function changePic(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { var path = '' + personname + '/Graphicw/' + picname; var myimg = document.getElementById('myImage'); var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = path; newImage.onerror = function() { alert('There was a problem loading the Image file! - Please try again'); = ''; myimg.src = ''; } newImage.onload = function() { myimg.src = path; x = document.getElementById('Graphic_select').selectedIndex; var Priceofart = priceofartarray[x-1]; picname = picname.replace('w.bmp','.bmp'); document.getElementById('person').value = personname; document.getElementById('Cost').value = Priceofart; document.getElementById('pic').value = picname; var y = document.getElementById('Price'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('Price').innerHTML= 'Price of Art ( without a watermark )(USD): $' + Priceofart + ' including GST'; } } }; </script> <title>ECOVIB2D©</title> </head> <body onload='setvar();' style='background-color: #660000'> <script> alert(hello); </script> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right mouse click Script //By Maximus ( w/ mods by DynamicDrive //For full source code, visit var message="Go to ECOVIB2D!-"; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4; } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false") // --> </script> <table class='div' align='center' border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor='#660000'><img height='auto' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' width='auto' /></td> <td bgcolor='#660000'> <p align='center' id ='Title'>ECOVIB2D©</p> <br> <br> <div class='div' id='google_translate_element'></div><script type='text/javascript'> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <table class='div' style="background-color: #660000" align='center' > <tbody> <tr> <td style="image-orientation: 90deg;" align="left"> <img id='PersonImage' height='250' width='250' style='pointer-events:none' alt=''> </td> <td> <p align="center" id="reason"></p> <div class="absolute"> <select name='Graphic_select' id='Graphic_select' onchange='changePic(this.value,personsnamejs);linkSound(this.value,personsnamejs);'> <option value ='default' id = 'def' style='height:30px;'></option> <br> If(this.value = 'default'){ document.getElementById("Graphic_select").contentWindow.location.reload(true); } <?php $pname = "AdrianTudini"; foreach(glob("/home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/".$pname."/Graphicw/*w.bmp") as $files1){ $files1 = basename($files1); echo "<option value='{$files1}'>{$files1}</option>"; }; ?> </select> </div> <img id='myImage' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' style='pointer-events:none' alt='' height='250' width='250'> <p align='center' id='PlaySound'>Play the sound with my art in mind</p> <audio id="Sound" preload='none' controls="controls"> <source src='ecovib2d.mp3' type='audio/MPEG '> </audio> <br> <br> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <?php require '/public_html/ecovibdc/Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; // Include RapidAPI Library require './../lib/eWAY/RapidAPI.php'; $request = new eWAY\CreateAccessCodeRequest(); If(isset($request)){ $Accesscode = $request; } ?> <center> <p id='Price'> </p></center> <center> <form action="".<?php echo $Accesscode ?> id ='payment_form' method="POST"/> <input type='hidden' id='person' name='Person'/> <input type='hidden' id='Cost' name='Price' /> <input type='hidden' id='pic' name='Graphic'/> <p align='center' id='freename'>Enter FirstName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Firstname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freename1'> Enter SurName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Surname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freeaddress'>Enter Email-Address:</p> <p align='center'><input id='e-address' maxlength='50' name='email' size='50' type='text' /></p> <input type="hidden" name='EWAY_ACCESSCODE' value=<?php echo $Accesscode ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="EWAY_PAYMENTTYPE" value="PayPal" /> <input type="submit" id ='Buy' value="Buy now from PayPal!" text="Checkout" /> <br> <img src='Paypal.png'> <img src="//" border="0"> <!-- Begin eWAY Linking Code --> <div id="eWAYBlock"> <div style="text-align:center;"> <a href="" title="eWAY Payment Gateway" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img alt="eWAY Payment Gateway" src="" /> </a> </div> </div> <!-- End eWAY Linking Code --> </form> </center> <p align='center' id='paypal'></p> </body> </html> Here is my directory structure. |
tudsy |
Feb 18 2018, 08:35 AM
Serious Coder Group: Members Posts: 252 Joined: 30-September 14 Member No.: 21,611 |
You do run this through a server, don't you? It's on an isp server. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 minimum-scale=1.0"/> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="Main.css"/> <style type ="text/CSS"> div.absolute{ position:absolute; top:200px; } div { height: auto; /*if more info comes on the page, it will stretch down*/ width: auto; margin: 0 auto; /*this will cause the div to be in the center*/ } </style> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-908952-3', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('require','linkid'); </script> <script> var personsnamejs ='AdrianTudini'; var personpicture = personsnamejs + '.jpg'; var priceofartarray = ["2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2","2"]; var personpath = '' + personsnamejs + '/' + personpicture; function setvar(){ var x = document.getElementById('Title'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; var z = document.getElementById('PlaySound'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var t = document.getElementById('paypal'); = '#00FF00'; ='24px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var u = document.getElementById('freename1'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var v = document.getElementById('freeaddress'); = '#00FF00'; ='20px'; var c = document.getElementById('reason'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; var d = document.getElementById('Buy'); = "#00FF00"; = "36px"; document.getElementById('def').innerHTML = 'Click-Tap to view/select ' + personsnamejs + " 's Art"; document.getElementById('PersonImage').src = personpath; document.getElementById('paypal').innerHTML ="* Your name and email address will not be sold or traded."; document.getElementById('reason').innerHTML = "Art for your desktop/device"; }; </script> <script type='text/javascript'> function linkSound(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { soundfile = picname.replace('w.bmp','.mp3'); var soundfilepath = '' + personname + '/Sound/' + soundfile; document.getElementById('Sound').src = soundfilepath; } }; </script> <script> function changePic(picname,personname) { if(picname != 'default') { var path = '' + personname + '/Graphicw/' + picname; var myimg = document.getElementById('myImage'); var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = path; newImage.onerror = function() { alert('There was a problem loading the Image file! - Please try again'); = ''; myimg.src = ''; } newImage.onload = function() { myimg.src = path; x = document.getElementById('Graphic_select').selectedIndex; var Priceofart = priceofartarray[x-1]; picname = picname.replace('w.bmp','.bmp'); document.getElementById('person').value = personname; document.getElementById('Cost').value = Priceofart; document.getElementById('pic').value = picname; var y = document.getElementById('Price'); = '#00FF00'; ='36px'; document.getElementById('Price').innerHTML= 'Price of Art ( without a watermark )(USD): $' + Priceofart + ' including GST'; } } }; </script> <title>ECOVIB2D©</title> </head> <body onload='setvar();' style='background-color: #660000'> <script> alert(hello); </script> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right mouse click Script //By Maximus ( w/ mods by DynamicDrive //For full source code, visit var message="Go to ECOVIB2D!-"; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4; } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false") // --> </script> <table class='div' align='center' border='0'> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor='#660000'><img height='auto' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' width='auto' /></td> <td bgcolor='#660000'> <p align='center' id ='Title'>ECOVIB2D©</p> <br> <br> <div class='div' id='google_translate_element'></div><script type='text/javascript'> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <table class='div' style="background-color: #660000" align='center' > <tbody> <tr> <td style="image-orientation: 90deg;" align="left"> <img id='PersonImage' height='250' width='250' style='pointer-events:none' alt=''> </td> <td> <p align="center" id="reason"></p> <div class="absolute"> <select name='Graphic_select' id='Graphic_select' onchange='changePic(this.value,personsnamejs);linkSound(this.value,personsnamejs);'> <option value ='default' id = 'def' style='height:30px;'></option> <br> If(this.value = 'default'){ document.getElementById("Graphic_select").contentWindow.location.reload(true); } <?php $pname = "AdrianTudini"; foreach(glob("/home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/".$pname."/Graphicw/*w.bmp") as $files1){ $files1 = basename($files1); echo "<option value='{$files1}'>{$files1}</option>"; }; ?> </select> </div> <img id='myImage' src='ecovib2d1.jpg' style='pointer-events:none' alt='' height='250' width='250'> <p align='center' id='PlaySound'>Play the sound with my art in mind</p> <audio id="Sound" preload='none' controls="controls"> <source src='ecovib2d.mp3' type='audio/MPEG '> </audio> <br> <br> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <?php require '/public_html/ecovibdc/Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; // Include RapidAPI Library require './../lib/eWAY/RapidAPI.php'; $request = new eWAY\CreateAccessCodeRequest(); If(isset($request)){ $Accesscode = $request; } ?> <center> <p id='Price'> </p></center> <center> <form action="".<?php echo $Accesscode ?> id ='payment_form' method="POST"/> <input type='hidden' id='person' name='Person'/> <input type='hidden' id='Cost' name='Price' /> <input type='hidden' id='pic' name='Graphic'/> <p align='center' id='freename'>Enter FirstName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Firstname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freename1'> Enter SurName:</p> <p align='center'><input maxlength='50' name='Surname' size='50' type='text' /></p> <p align='center' id='freeaddress'>Enter Email-Address:</p> <p align='center'><input id='e-address' maxlength='50' name='email' size='50' type='text' /></p> <input type="hidden" name='EWAY_ACCESSCODE' value=<?php echo $Accesscode ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="EWAY_PAYMENTTYPE" value="PayPal" /> <input type="submit" id ='Buy' value="Buy now from PayPal!" text="Checkout" /> <br> <img src='Paypal.png'> <img src="//" border="0"> <!-- Begin eWAY Linking Code --> <div id="eWAYBlock"> <div style="text-align:center;"> <a href="" title="eWAY Payment Gateway" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img alt="eWAY Payment Gateway" src="" /> </a> </div> </div> <!-- End eWAY Linking Code --> </form> </center> <p align='center' id='paypal'></p> </body> </html> Here is my directory structure. I have changed the require to an include but get this error: text/x-generic error_log ( ASCII text ) [18-Feb-2018 13:24:08 UTC] PHP Warning: include(/home/ecovibdc/vendor/autoloader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/ecovib2d_adriant.php on line 441 [18-Feb-2018 13:24:08 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/ecovibdc/vendor/autoloader.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/php') in /home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/ecovib2d_adriant.php on line 441 [18-Feb-2018 13:24:08 UTC] PHP Warning: include(./../lib/eWAY/RapidAPI.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/ecovib2d_adriant.php on line 444 [18-Feb-2018 13:24:08 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening './../lib/eWAY/RapidAPI.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/php') in /home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/ecovib2d_adriant.php on line 444 [18-Feb-2018 13:24:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'eWAY\CreateAccessCodeRequest' not found in /home/ecovibdc/public_html/ECOVIB2D/MYART/ecovib2d_adriant.php on line 447 I do not understand. Can anyone please help? |
CharlesEF |
Feb 18 2018, 01:28 PM
Programming Fanatic Group: Members Posts: 1,996 Joined: 27-April 13 From: Edinburg, Texas Member No.: 19,088 |
I still don't see an answer to the question. Where is the actual page located? In what directory/folder? I can't even read your directory structure picture. And even if I could read it I still don't know where the calling page is located.
In one of your posts you posted: CODE require '/public_html/ecovibdc/Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; Is that a correct path?If is is correct, then try this: CODE require '../../Composer/vendor/autoloader.php'; Until you post the actual location of the page this is just a guess. |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 11th December 2024 - 05:57 PM |