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> Tumblr Post Sizes
post Feb 21 2012, 08:01 PM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: 21-February 12
Member No.: 16,544

Hi there.
I have been trying to resize my posts for Tumblr all night. I will include my code at the end of my text, but Ill mention some things first. My theme includes for an option for the post size to be small. All I have to do is check the box in the customize section and they all turn to little thumbnails, probly 250px wide. I know the Tumblr size limits. 500, 400, 250, so forth. I've tried going through my code and making them all 400 (500 by default), but no change occured. When I change the VideoURL to 400 that worked, but not the photos. But even with the video, the actual video got small, not the entire post. I'd like to make the whole post, the text, whatever media is in it, image or photo, and the box around it small. I am currently working with a double column theme and would like to resize em to fix three. heres the link to my tumblr,, and heres my code.

If you can help, greatly appreciated.

Here's the code:

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Native Citizens Pro v1.99 BETA
By Ronny Wieckardt

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