I'm trying to edit an existing layout, that's the link:

I've posted myself a question, for a test, and it looks like that (see link above).
I want to remove a date on the top of it (currently the date is written by me like this in Block:Text section):
<div class="text">
<div class="date">{block:Date}{DayOfMonth} {Month}, {Year}  <font color="#D8D8D8">{24HourWithZero}:{Minutes}</font>{/block:Date}</div>

I don't have a {block:Answer} thing there (only Text, Photo, Link etc.). When I try to past it there (so perhaps I could insert date everywhere except for Answer block, the whole page seem to be losing all formatting.
I try to insert this code:
<div class="answer">
<div class="question">{Question}</div>
<span class="asker">
<img src="{AskerPortraitURL-24}"/>
<div class="answer">{Answer}</div>

(for example).
And then it looks like this:

IPB Image

I'm inserting it between other blocks, which are all inside {block:Posts}.
What am I doing wrong, and how to get rid of the date?

And also I wonder, how to make "asker" username bold, and everything else normal?

And another thing - is it possible to leave only one date per day, I mean, if I have 3 posts in one day, it would say "12 april, 2011", and then every post would have only hours:minutes stamp?

Any help would be appreciated!
(I can also upload the whole custom HTML thing, but it's quite messy..)